Acrylic tank, altered photographic print of eclogite rock, water, oil, pigment, PVC hose, bubble diffuser, air pumps, programmed relay board
Eclogite takes its starting point from the geological process of metamorphism, where a confluence of conditions come together to alter an existing rock into another over a long time period. Echoing this slow transformation of substance, throughout the course of the exhibition, a pool of water is subtly agitated by air pumps and slow-releasing pigments which diffuse into the water over time, obscuring the photographic image at the base of the tank. The audience was also invited to add small amounts of this pigment to the tank, contributing to the reshaping of the work.
Shown as part of When Sediment Sinks at Art Outreach Singapore from 20 to 28 July 2024.
Additional photos by Nedelina Zheleva.